

隨著人工智慧在世界各國的發展,越來越多的各領域人才,都希望能透過相關的課程學習或再學習, 來找出運用人工智慧技術的可能性;而產業界熱烈需求的核心人工智慧人才,也需透過教育以紥實的相關課程加以培養。

雖然坊間有不少人工智慧相關的網路與實體課程,但是這些課程多以「單點」的形式分散開設,缺乏橫向的連繫與整合, 因此除學生不知從何選擇之外,更難以進行國家級資源的共同調配與運用,從而不利於人工智慧人才之培養。

本課程地圖在參考國內外知名大學在人工智慧相關課程的規劃後, 在眾多多元的課程中歸納出人工智慧子領域方向與各個技術之間的連結與相依關係, 讓有心鑽研者可以按圖索驥。

在課程地圖中,包含有四個層級:先修課程、核心課程、進階技術課程、以及應用課程,由於不同課程間有相似與相依性, 相似的課程在地圖上會被群聚放在一起,可以選擇其中一門修習,有相依性的課程則建議根據箭頭先後順序來修習。

本課程地圖從另一個角度,根據學術與產業的需求規劃六種不同專業人才的訓練規畫, 包含:人工智慧系統平台人才、人工智慧電腦視覺人才、自然語言處裡人才、人工智慧電腦對局人才、人工智慧機器人人才、以及人工智慧其他應用領域人才。

為了要協助國家的產業轉型,教育部人工智慧人才培育計畫辦公室也會配合課程地圖,在未來召集、鼓勵領域專家們針對業界的轉型需求, 設計相關系列課程,並鼓勵大專院校能延伸目前的教學能量到線上開放式課程系統,使更多人能夠受益。

With the growing development of artificial intelligence worldwide, more and more talents in various fields hope to find out opportunities through the use of artificial intelligence techniques learned via related courses. And for the core artificial intelligence talents, demanded by the industries, are also required to be cultivated through some solid related courses.

Although there are various online and physical courses related to AI, these courses are mostly distributed in a “single point” form, lacking horizontal linkage and integration. Therefore, it is not only challenging for students to decide what learning components to choose, but also difficult for governmental bodies to coordinate and utilize the state-level resources, which cans tagnate further development of AI talents.

After analyzing popular domestic and foreign universities’ planning for artificial intelligence related courses, we summarize the connection and interdependent relationship between the different the subfields of artificial intelligence and various techniques in this course map. Such resources can be useful for people who are eager to have further study can follow the course map.

There are four levels in this course map: Preliminary Courses, Core Courses, Advanced Courses, and Applied Courses. There are some similarities and dependencies between different courses, therefore, similar courses will be grouped together on the map. As a result, learners can just choose the desired lesson based on whichever strategy they are more comfortable with. Moreover, for those courses having dependencies, learners are advised to follow the directions shown in the course map.

In the course map, which is geared towards academic and industrial needs, it lays out six professional training schemes, including: artificial intelligence for system platform talents, artificial intelligence for computer vision talents, artificial intelligence for natural language processing talents, artificial intelligence for computer games, artificial intelligence for robot talents, and talents in other domain-specific application of artificial intelligence.

In order to support the country's industrial transformation, the Artificial Intelligence Talent Cultivation Project will invite and encourage experts in the field to design series of related courses required for industrial transformation. Colleges will also be encouraged to extend their passion for teaching to open online courses. So, this in turn can benefit a wider audience and help to develop our national talents through the different AI courses.